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| But despite that, I resisted and stayed still. I barely breathed. I kept the lantern still. I tested how still I could keep the ray on the eye. Meanwhile, the beating of the heart increased. It became faster and faster, louder and louder, every moment. The man must have been absolutely terrified! It grew louder, I repeat, louder, every second! Do you understand me? I already mentioned that I easily get scared, and I am. And in the middle of the night, in the dreadful silence of that old house, such a strange noise completely terrified me. Even so, I kept still for a few more minutes. But the beating got louder and louder! I thought the heart would burst. And then something new worried me: the sound might be heard by a neighbor! The time of the old man's death had come! With a loud yell, I opened the lantern and jumped into the room. He screamed once, and only once. The next moment, I pulled him to the floor and put the heavy bed on top of him. Then I smiled cheerfully, knowing that the deed was almost finished. But for many minutes, the heart kept beating with a muffled sound. This, however, didn't bother me, as it wouldn't be heard through the wall. Finally, it stopped. The old man was dead. I moved the bed and examined the corpse. Yes, he was completely, completely dead. I put my hand on his heart and kept it there for many minutes. There was no pulse. He was completely dead. His eye would not bother me anymore.
| colspan="2" | Mas fe hataya fe dento, mi le tahamul ji le resta harkakal. Mi le eskaso nafasu. Mi le resta lenterna harkakal. Mi le jaribi ku mi le abil na resta radya kemo harkakal per oko. Fe durya, nabiza de tutum le maxcu. To le sencu maxmo ji maxmo velosi, maxmo ji maxmo sotipul, fe moy momento. Manixu le dayible sen kompletomo dayfobido! To le sencu maxmo sotipul, mi riloga, maxmo sotipul, fe moy sekundo! Kam yu aham mi? Mi le uje zekaru ki mi asan sencu fobido, ji mi sen. Ji fe midi fe noce, in fobine sotikalya de den lama baytu, daydenmo ajabu soti le kompleto fobi mi. Hatali, mi le resta harkakal dur bannumer maxpul minuto. Mas nabiza le sencu maxmo ji maxmo sotipul! Mi le fikir ki tutum ger pom. Ji jaxali, ban neo to le yolyu mi: soti ible sen oredo fal jara! Mara fe morya de lao manixu le preata! Ton sotipul ayay, mi le buka lenterna ji le tyao cel in kamer. Te le ayay un mara, ji sol un mara. Fe jaxali momento, mi le pospel te cel dixan ji le plasi wajenpul bistar per te. Jaxali, mi le tabasum kweho, fe na jixi ki fale le kriban sen finido. Mas dur multi minuto, tutum le dure na nabiza har koberido soti. Hatali, hinto le no lawfen mi koski to ger le no sen oredo pas divar. Fe fini, to le esto. Lao manixomanixu le sen mor. Mi le harka bistar ji le moni morjismu. Si, te le sen kompletomo, kompletomo mor. Mi le plasi misu hanta per tesu tutum ji le resta to denloka dur multi minuto. Le no hay nabiza. Te le sen kompletomo mor. Tesu oko le no haji lawfen mi.
| If still you think me mad, you will think so no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for the concealment of the body. The night waned, and I worked hastily, but in silence.
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