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| colspan="2" | Hinto sen debatemon. Yu fikir ki mi sen majnuni. Majnuniyen jixi nilto. Mas yu le ingay na oko mi. Yu le ingay na oko ku kemo gomyo, mi le aksyon; daymo juipul, daymo cinonpul, daymo sirili, mi le ergo! Mi le nilwatu sen maxmo lutufpul tas lao manixu kom dur total sabedin leki mi le morgi te. Ji fe moy noce fe daju midinoce, mi le rota hantatul de tesu dwer ji le buka to: o, daydenmo sotikal! Ji jaxali, denwatu hu mi le fale kufimo day hongu tas misu kapi, mi le ingi luminkal lenterna, kompletomo klosido celki nil lumin le brila, ji jaxali, mi le pasgi misu kapi. O, yu le ingay na oko ku kemo gomyo, mi le pasgi to! Mi le harka to hanman, daymo, daymo hanman, celki mi ger le no jundwan somno de manixu. Mi le pasa un satu cel na kufi pasgi misu kapi celki mi le abil na oko te durki te le leta per tesu bistar. Ha! Kam majnuniyen ger le sen denmo gomyo kom hinto? Ji jaxali, denwatu hu misu kapi le kompletomo sen in kamer, mi le buka lenterna juipul, daymo juipul (koski bisagra le soti); mi le kufi buka to celki dambo radya fe lumin le celidi oko de nasru. Ji mi le fale hinto dur sabe noce, moy noce fe preciso midinoce, mas mi le oko ki oko le moywatu sen klosido; fe folo, na fale ergo le sen nenible. To le no sen lao manixu hu da le lawfen mi; to le sen tesu Bur Oko. Ji fe moy soba, denwatu hu din-lumin le ata, mi le sexinloypul inidi kamer ji le sexinloypul pala tas te, kweho voka tesu name, ji le swal ku tesu noce le sen kepul. Te ger le musi na sen daymo cinonpul cel na xorjixi ki fe moy noce fe preciso midinoce, mi le juioko te durki te le somno.
| Upon the eighth night I was more than usually cautious in opening the door. A watch's minute hand moves more quickly than did mine. Never before that night had I felt the extent of my own powers, of my sagacity. I could scarcely contain my feelings of triumph. To think that there I was opening the door little by little, and he not even to dream of my secret deeds or thoughts. I fairly chuckled at the idea, and perhaps he heard me, for he moved on the bed suddenly as if startled. Now you may think that I drew back—but no. His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness (for the shutters were close fastened through fear of robbers), and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door, and I kept pushing it on steadily, steadily.
| On the eighth night, I was more cautious than usual when I opened the door. I moved my hand more slowly than a watch's minute hand. I never realized the extent of my abilities and wisdom like I did that night. I could hardly contain my feeling of triumph. Imagine me opening the door little by little, and him being unaware of my secret actions and thoughts. I somewhat chuckled at the idea, and he might have heard me because he suddenly moved on the bed as if startled. You might think that I retreated, but no. His room was completely dark (the windows were tightly closed because of a fear of robbers), and so I knew that he couldn't see the door opening, and I kept pushing it steadily, steadily.
| colspan="2" | Fe ocoyum noce, mi le sen maxmo juipul kom norma denwatu hu mi le buka dwer. Mi le harka misu hanta maxmo hanman kom minuto-hanta de satumeter. Mi le nilwatu xoraham daraje fe misu abilya ji sofi denmaner hu mi le fale fe den noce. Mi le eskaso abil na krasi misu ganjon fe triunfa. Am imaje ki mi buka dwer xosu xafe xosu, ji te sen ixikal fe misu sirili aksyon ji fikir. Mi le banmo lilhaha tas idey, ji te le ible ore mi koski te le abruto harka per tesu bistar kwas surprisado. Yu ible fikir ki mi le ruidi, mas no. Tesu kamer le sen kompletomo luminkal (janela le sen tangemo klosido kos fobi fe ofcoriyen), ji fe folo, mi le jixi ki te le no abil na oko ki dwer le buka, ji mi le duregi na pel to hanman, hanman.
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